How To Log Into Your Account
Step by step instructions on how to log into your account if you created one previously. Also provides instructions on how to access your “My Account” area. To access your account please visit
How To Add A Member To Your Account
If you are taking a private lesson you will need to provide information on everyone taking the lesson. This is a step by step guide on how to add a member to your account so they can sign the release of liability for the lesson. To access your account please visit
How To Sign Your Release Of Liability Forms
Liability release forms must be signed for all Season Passholders, Private Lesson participants, and for customers who rent skis or snowboards. To access your account please visit
How To Use A Buddy Pass
All Season Passholder Buddy Passes can now be accessed and redeemed online. This is a step by step guide on how to redeem your Buddy Passes. Note that you must have already logged into your account for the first time to access the “My Account” area. If you are having issues accessing your account please email To access your account please visit